Fatal error: public_html/wp-includes/option.php on line 126


Viewed 532 times


I migrated my Wordpress site to another hosting, I did everything right, however this occurring error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to Undefined Function untrailingslashit() in /Storage/ssd3/451/2091451/public_html/wp-includes/option.php:126 Stack trace: #0 /Storage/ssd3/451/2091451/public_html/wp-includes/default-constants.php(138): get_option('siteurl') #1 /Storage/ssd3/451/2091451/public_html/wp-Settings.php(255): wp_plugin_directory_constants() #2 /Storage/ssd3/451/2091451/public_html/wp-config.php(102): require_once('/Storage/ssd3/4...') #3 /Storage/ssd3/451/2091451/public_html/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/Storage/ssd3/4...') #4 /Storage/ssd3/451/2091451/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/Storage/ssd3/4...') #5 /Storage/ssd3/451/2091451/public_html/index.php(17): require('/Storage/ssd3/4...') #6 {main thrown} in /Storage/ssd3/451/2091451/public_html/wp-includes/option.php on line 126

  • The message says the function untrailingslashit is not defined. You can set the contents of the file option.php? And also if it includes any other file?

  • 1

    Checked the files' permission, are at 755?

  • Also, have you checked the . htaccess file? Disabled the plugins or templates to see if any of them are conflicting?

  • I will check, however I downloaded the files from my site and there is no more way I disable the plugins because I do not have access to the site

  • I changed the php version to the old version and now the error just turned into this: Call to Undefined Function untrailingslashit() in /Storage/ssd3/451/2091451/public_html/wp-includes/option.php on line 126

  • @Stéfano How do I do it?

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1 answer


untrailingslashit is a standard Wordpress function so it means some file is missing or corrupted.

One thing that may have happened is that some files failed to get to the new server. This is very common when transfers are made via FTP.

  1. Take a new backup of the current installation files.
  2. Download a new copy of Wordpress here
  3. Replace your server files except for:

    3.1 the folder wp-content

    3.2 the file wp-config.php

    3.3 other files that are not native to Wordpress.

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