Find the name and number of doctors who have appointments with all patients


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No postgres, as Fetch the name and CPF of doctors who have appointments with all patients?

Keys: Patient: id_patient Medico: id_medico consultation: id_patient, id_doctor

  • Every query needs logical parameters for its result to be correct, in your case it is necessary to include other fields of both tables, edit your question by placing all fields of each one. And if possible the query you are trying to make work.

2 answers


You need to select all the medical ids present in the consultation table, and make a Join to search the respective doctor’s data, see the code below:

SELECT distinct 
    m.nome as nome_medico,
    m.cpf as cpf_medico
FROM consultas c
LEFT OUTER JOIN medicos m on = c.id_medico

When posting a question, post also the structure that has your database and the code you are using.


Assuming your table structure is anything like this:

CREATE TABLE  paciente
    id_paciente INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    nome TEXT

    id_medico INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    nome text,
    cpf text

    id_paciente INTEGER,
    id_medico INTEGER,
    FOREIGN KEY ( id_paciente ) REFERENCES paciente ( id_paciente ),
    FOREIGN KEY ( id_medico ) REFERENCES medico ( id_medico )

With the following test load:

INSERT INTO paciente ( id_paciente, nome ) VALUES ( 1, 'Joao' );
INSERT INTO paciente ( id_paciente, nome ) VALUES ( 2, 'Maria' );
INSERT INTO paciente ( id_paciente, nome ) VALUES ( 3, 'Jose' );
INSERT INTO paciente ( id_paciente, nome ) VALUES ( 4, 'Ana' );
INSERT INTO paciente ( id_paciente, nome ) VALUES ( 5, 'Luiz' );

INSERT INTO medico ( id_medico, nome, cpf ) VALUES ( 1, 'Oswaldo Cruz', '123.123.123-00' );
INSERT INTO medico ( id_medico, nome, cpf ) VALUES ( 2, 'Carlos Chagas', '900.900.900-99' );
INSERT INTO medico ( id_medico, nome, cpf ) VALUES ( 3, 'Vital Brazil', '111.222.333-99' );
INSERT INTO medico ( id_medico, nome, cpf ) VALUES ( 4, 'Ze Ninguem', '000.000.000.-00' );

INSERT INTO consulta ( id_paciente, id_medico ) VALUES ( 1, 1 );
INSERT INTO consulta ( id_paciente, id_medico ) VALUES ( 2, 1 );
INSERT INTO consulta ( id_paciente, id_medico ) VALUES ( 3, 1 );
INSERT INTO consulta ( id_paciente, id_medico ) VALUES ( 4, 2 );
INSERT INTO consulta ( id_paciente, id_medico ) VALUES ( 5, 2 );
INSERT INTO consulta ( id_paciente, id_medico ) VALUES ( 2, 3 );
INSERT INTO consulta ( id_paciente, id_medico ) VALUES ( 4, 3 );

The consultation would look like this:

    m.cpf AS cpf_medico,
    m.nome AS nome_medico,
    p.nome AS nome_paciente
    consulta c
    medico m ON ( c.id_medico = m.id_medico )
    paciente p ON ( c.id_paciente = p.id_paciente )


|     cpf_medico |   nome_medico | nome_paciente |
| 111.222.333-99 |  Vital Brazil |         Maria |
| 111.222.333-99 |  Vital Brazil |           Ana |
| 123.123.123-00 |  Oswaldo Cruz |          Jose |
| 123.123.123-00 |  Oswaldo Cruz |          Joao |
| 123.123.123-00 |  Oswaldo Cruz |         Maria |
| 900.900.900-99 | Carlos Chagas |           Ana |
| 900.900.900-99 | Carlos Chagas |          Luiz |


  • 1

    JOIN only takes the values in common, doesn’t it? If you haven’t already beaten.. that would be the case of some LEFT/RIGHT JOIN of life.. or even full Join with conditions..

  • It will never pass beaten Consulta is the composition of a Medico and a Paciente. I edited the answer including explicitly the foreign keys in the table consulta. This ensures that no Consulta will be inserted if there is no Médico and a Paciente.

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