Views specifies for Devise


Viewed 146 times


In my project I am using the Rails 5.1.1 and the Devise for login. My question is how I can make a View ,so that the Devise uses as layout, without being the application.html.erb?

  • You generated custom Devise views?

3 answers


I found the solution:

config.to_prepare do
    Devise::SessionsController.layout "your_layout_name"
    Devise::RegistrationsController.layout "your_layout_name"
    Devise::ConfirmationsController.layout "your_layout_name"
    Devise::UnlocksController.layout "your_layout_name"
    Devise::PasswordsController.layout "your_layout_name"


Create an app/views/layouts/Devise.html.erb file and it will already be used as a layout for the views of the controller.


Can also be done:

rails g devise:views user

And for controllers

rails g devise:controllers user

on the routes gets:

sessions: 'users/sessions',
registrations: 'users/registrations'

Remembering that 'user' is the model that is managed by Developer in your project

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