SSL identification by Google


Viewed 34 times


Yesterday I migrated the website to another provider and I won an SSL certificate, to which it has already been applied. I wonder if Google will automatically identify that the site is now safe (https), because in the search, the result appears as "http".

I have set up . htaccess to redirect any request to the secure page:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

1 answer


For Google, as well as other search engines to detect the change, it is necessary to use the Permanent redirection, which in this case is the 301 code for HTTP, it is possible to apply it via .htaccess using the flag R=301 (the flag L is only to avoid conflicts with others RewriteRules), I’m not sure either, but I think the flag QSA is necessary if you have a page that makes use of querystring.

Is still important note that Google does not reindexe all pages at once, this can take weeks.

The . htaccess should look like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,QSA,L]


  • the problem exactly is not in redirecting the files, this is working properly. the question in question relates to the search on google, which does not appear as a secure page (https)

  • @Julyanofelipe was what I said, need the R=301, google does not reindexe in seconds, it can take weeks to reindexar ;)

  • Then adding the R=301 flag will make Google identify as safe?

  • 1

    Google will reindexar, with Https instead of HTTP on the search pages, this does not mean that the site is "safe" for Google, it just means that it uses the "HTTPS" protocol;) ... Anyway as I said friend, this may take weeks, I edited the answer to get better understanding.

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