How to sort the position of a matrix automatically?


Viewed 40 times


Example, I have:

$matriz = array("Tomate", "Morango", "Melancia");

I would have:

    [0] => Tomate
    [1] => Morango
    [2] => Melancia

But if I do:


I will have:

        [1] => Morango
        [2] => Melancia

How to order automatically to return from 0

        [0] => Morango
        [1] => Melancia

2 answers


Just create the array again:

$newArray = array_values($oldArray);


You don’t necessarily need to create another variable, you can use it and override the values:

$matriz = array_values($matriz);

If you will always take only the first value of the array, the array_shift(), since it automatically reorders the array:

  • Cool, never used the array_shift, about creating a new, exact, it doesn’t really need to, so I just said create the array again, may be of the same name or not.

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