Currently I develop integration Apis with services internal to our company and in the near future we will have the opportunity to provide some of our Apis to external partners.
Suggest the idea of an API versioning in a team Brainstorm.
Currently I am against applying the API, but reading more on the subject and understanding the team’s motivation to use the API, I ask. Is there a better way to get an API? Is it a good idea to review the API? I think to focus on a "contract" a wiki defining both the API and inputs and outputs or even an excel would do the job.
I’ve seen them talk about versioning in the resource path, the Accept header, and a custom header Version or something. What is your experience in this matter?
Tmb have this question: http://answall.com/questions/138956/cria-vers%C3%B5es-de-servi%C3%A7o-Rest
– NilsonUehara
I’m imagining that there’s no good idiomatic way to do this kind of versioning.
– Flávio Granato
One way I found is to deploy by changing the name of the application (e.g., minhapp_v1, minhaapp_v2, etc). But I think there should be a better solution.
– NilsonUehara
for sure kkkkk
– Flávio Granato