Oracle does not export all tables


Viewed 367 times


I am performing an export by database at a time but when checking the log I realize that the tables that have no record are not exported.

command I’m using to export the database
exp system/senha owner=freitechnew file=freitechnew.dmp log=freitechnew.log compress=N

Someone’s been through this trouble?

  • Could add to the command FULL=Y at your command. Because in the Oracle documentation, they give a basic example like this: exp user@DB FULL=Y FILE=PATH_TO_DUMPFILE

  • When exporting with the user it returns the error EXP-00008: Erro Oracle: 1406 encontrado and does not export, I will try to solve this ora-1406 to see if I can export so, thank you for now.

1 answer


if Voce specifies the Owner it only takes this Owner, to make the whole bank use as below.

Exp system/password file=freitechnew.dmp log=freitechnew.log full=y compress=N

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