Capturing an element’s id with javascript click


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In the Document there are three <div>, all with the event onclick calling a function.

By clicking on any of the three, I would like to capture the id of the <div> clicked.

How can I capture the id of that element?

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1 answer


If you are using Javascript inline (as in <div id="a" onclick="f()">...), does not. You would need to pass the id on the function call itself. But using JS inline is contraindicated, not only because of this but also because it is a mixture of structure (HTML) and behavior (JS).

If you are creating the Javascript event manager, just use

var div = document.getElementById('seuid');
div.onclick = function() {
    alert(; // alerta 'seuid'
// OU:
div.addEventListener('click', function() {
    alert(; // alerta 'seuid'

Considering your comment that clarifies that this is a menu with several clickable items: delegate the treatment of the event for a higher element in the hierarchy, and get the clicked item of the event object that is automatically passed to the Systener. Example:

<ul id="fora">
    <li id="dentro1">aaaaaa</li>
    <li id="dentro2">aaaaaa</li>
    <li id="dentro3">aaaaaa</li>
var el = document.getElementById('fora');
el.addEventListener('click', function(e) {

  • type, in your answer you set the object with getElementById(), but I don’t know which id the user will click, like, these three Divs would be menu items, and I wanted to apply an effect when this item was clicked, I have create an event for each one?

  • No, there’s a better way to do it in this case. See my update in reply.

  • Perfect, thank you very much. Just a doubt, in the new part of your answer where it gets specified that is to pick up the id of the interior elements?

  • 1

    The e is the such "event object" automatically passed. is the element that triggered the event (the element clicked). is the id of this guy. And would be the id of ul, always.

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