You can do a little better, but the question does not give details. You need to pick up to the established limit where you have space. Has function ready for this (LastIndexOf()
Imports System
Public Module Module1
Public Sub Main()
For Each texto in CropText("Avenida luis de camoes, travessa de santa rita numero 588", 50)
For Each texto in CropText("Avenida luis de camoes, travessa de santa rita", 50)
For Each texto in CropText("Avenidaluisdecamoes,travessadesantaritanumero588teste", 50)
End Sub
Public Function CropText(text As String, limit As Integer) As String()
If text.Length < limit
Return New String() {text}
Dim position As Integer = text.LastIndexOf(" ", limit)
If position = -1
Return New String() {text}
return New String() {text.Substring(0, position), text.Substring(position + 1)}
End If
End If
End Function
End Module
Behold working in the .NET Fiddle. Also put on the Github for future reference.
Do you have any specific criteria, or just take the first 50?
– Maniero
take the last space, before 50 characters, and place in a variable and the rest in a 2 variable
– Sergio Teixeira