How to create a C Ranking?


Viewed 2,173 times


How can I read and sort a text file where the information is like this:

  carlos   5 
  lucas   20 
  josue   10 

*On file it looks like this.

Saved randomly but when I read the precise information it is in the order of who has the most points for the least points.

I use the following code to read the file itself :

void ranking(){         

     printf("\n ######- Ranking de Jogadores -######\n");
     printf("  \n");
     printf(" NOME - PONTOS \n");
     printf("  \n");
     printf(" ");

  char texto_str[999];
  char usuario[20];

  //abrindo o arquivo_frase em modo "somente leitura"
  pont_arq = fopen("ranking.txt", "r");

 while(fgets(texto_str, 20, pont_arq) != NULL)
 printf("%s \n ", texto_str);





  • Post your file structure so we can help you

  • all on the same line?

  • No no . I hit there in the post agr. With spaces and everything.

1 answer


To get the names and punctuation, as the size of the name and punctuation characters are different, we can use fscanf to accomplish this task.
We would have for example:

fscanf(pont_arq, "%s %d\n", nome, &pontuacao);

As for the ordination we would have several ways to accomplish this task. I think the right way would be for you to create a priority list data structure and a player struct by inserting them in an orderly way in this list. You could also add to the list anyway and use a sorting algorithm (Sort) like bubblesort, heapsort, quicksort, using as a score sort parameter.

Another way maybe simpler but less organized would be you work with a vector of names, another vector with the scores corresponding to the names and so sort the two vectors using punctuation as parameter of ordering.

I will perform an implementation of the last option cited because it is the simplest. I also used bubblesort as the sorting algorithm. I decided to do it in a static way, but if it is not possible to define the line size of the file use malloc to perform the players dynamic instantiation.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

//algoritmo de sort, perceba que aqui eu ordeno os dois vetores (nome e pontuação)

void bubbleSort(int* pontuacao, char nomes[10][255], int tamanho)
    int i;
    int trocou;
        trocou = 0;
    for (i=tamanho; i > 0; i--)
        if (pontuacao[i] > pontuacao[i-1]) 
            int pAux;
            char nAux[255];
            pAux = pontuacao[i];
            strcpy(nAux, nomes[i]);
            pontuacao[i] = pontuacao[i-1];
            strcpy(nomes[i], nomes[i-1]);
            pontuacao[i-1] = pAux;
            strcpy(nomes[i-1], nAux);
            trocou = 1;

    }while (trocou);

void ranking(){         

    printf("\n ######- Ranking de Jogadores -######\n");
    printf("  \n");
    printf(" NOME - PONTOS \n");
    printf("  \n");

    // cria ponteiro de arquivo
    FILE * pont_arq;
    //abrindo o arquivo_frase em modo "somente leitura"
    pont_arq = fopen("data.txt", "r");
    // cria matriz para 10 nomes (poderia ser dinamico) e array de pontuações
    char nomes[10][255];
    int pontuacoes[10];
    //variaveis que irá receber o nome ea pontuação do arquivo
    char nome[255];
    int pontuacao;
    //quantidade de jogadores
    int tamanho = 0;

    //lê do arquivo
    while(fscanf(pont_arq, "%s   %d\n", nome, &pontuacao) != EOF)
        pontuacoes[tamanho] = pontuacao;

    bubbleSort(pontuacoes, nomes, tamanho);

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<tamanho; i++)
        printf("%s %d\n", nomes[i], pontuacoes[i]);




  • 1

    Everything worked out. Thank you !

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