Error when integrating Waze to PHP site?


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    If you are already using an API, what is the problem?

  • Load map ? It does not appear !!

  • How to integrate Waze with php ???

  • Your question is not making any sense. Please [Dit] and be clearer about what you intend to do. An API, by definition, serves to integrate a service into an application and you’re already using one, as stated in the question, so what’s the problem? Again, emphasis on [Dit].

  • how to integrate php site to Waze ?

  • What they are trying to say is to you [Dit] the question and show how you have tried to use the API. After all you said you are using it.

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I was able to solve this problem using an iframe to insert the map of the Waze api:

<div id="exibirMapa" class="exibirMapa">

<iframe src="" width="700" height="500"></iframe>


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Url for documentation of Waze

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