Count in the Postgresql database


Viewed 153 times


Good morning .

I wanted to select in my bank and return the number of registered .


tb_client; column: dt_register;

in the dt_register column I have this:


I wanted to make a select like this:

SELECT dt_cadastro, count(dt_cadastro)
FROM tb_cliente
WHERE dt_cadastro < 2000
GROUP BY dt_cadastro

I mean, I want to know how many are less than 2000 and I’m not getting.

Following the suggestion of @Motta, used this:

SELECT dt_cadastro , count(dt_cadastro )
FROM tb_cliente
WHERE  Extract(year from dt_cadastro ) = Extract(year from '1990-12-31'::DATE)
GROUP BY dt_nasc

Only the result was:


I needed the value to appear 3, it is possible?

  • WHERE Extract(year from dt_cadastro) < 2000

  • @Motta I will edit my question added your suggestion.

  • Try it this way SELECT count(dt_cadastro )&#xA;FROM tb_cliente&#xA;WHERE Extract(year from dt_cadastro ) = Extract(year from '1990-12-31'::DATE)&#xA;GROUP BY dt_nasc

  • @R.Santos did not give... appeared 1 1 1

  • Change group by to Group by dt_cadastro sees what the

  • @Vilma It worked out?

  • @R.Santos also does not. I managed using this: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tb_client WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM dt_cadastre) = 1980; Now I’ll see how to use this with the Hibernate criteria.

  • @Vilma try it this way then select count(*) from tb_cliente where dt_cadastro < '1999-12-31' I tested it here in my database and it worked out, if it works out just let me know

  • @R.Santos, it didn’t work. I’m using, as I said earlier: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tb_client WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM dt_cadastre) = 1980; and it’s working the way I want it to. I will just convert this to the Hibernate criteria.

  • Strange, in my database Postgresql worked, bringing only the value of Count, but it worked out that much better

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2 answers


The solution in your question is correct, but no SELECT you should put only the options you want to "see", see the SQL below if that’s what you really need:

SELECT COUNT(dt_cadastro) -- no select vai somente a informação que você quer ver
  FROM tb_cliente
 GROUP BY dt_nasc


Solution found:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tb_client WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM dt_cadastre) = 1980;

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