Strange Behavior in Entityframework with Storedprocedure?


Viewed 112 times


I’m conducting a search through StoredProcedures in the EntityFramework and the field of Data this presenting error conversion to type String.


public IEnumerable GetFilteredList(ConsultaBanner filtro)

    string sql = "spAdmin_Banner_ConsultaBannerPeloFiltro @titulo={0},"
    sql += "@apresentaCookie={1}";
    sql += ",@vigenciaInicial={2},@vigenciaFinal={3},@tipoSistema={4}";
    return context.Banners.SqlQuery(sql
        , filtro.titulo// != null ? filtro.titulo : null
        ,filtro.apresentaCookie //!= null ? filtro.apresentaCookie : null
        ,filtro.vigenciaInicial.ToString() //!= null ? filtro.vigenciaInicial : null
        , filtro.vigenciaFinal.ToString() //!= null ? filtro.vigenciaFinal : null
        ,filtro.tipoSistema //!= null ? filtro.tipoSistema : null

This above code worked without the error of convert, but did not return anything so I did some tests on SQL Server and I realized that the Tadas fields were being passed as '', so I changed the StoredProcedure to convert '' for null and the error conversion happened again.


alter  PROCEDURE [dbo].[spAdmin_Banner_ConsultaBannerPeloFiltro]
     @titulo as varchar(100) = null    
    ,@apresentaCookie as bit = null    
    ,@vigenciaInicial as datetime = null    
    ,@vigenciaFinal as datetime = null    
    ,@tipoSistema as tinyint = null
    set @vigenciaInicial=null;
    set @vigenciaFinal=null;

     id ,titulo,mensagem,apresentaCookie    
    ,convert(varchar(10), vigenciaInicial, 103) [vigenciaInicial]    
    ,convert(varchar(10), vigenciaFinal, 103) [vigenciaFinal]    
    ,tipoSistema [tipoSistemaId]    
    ,case when tipoSistema = 1 then 'Prestador' 
      when tipoSistema = 2 then 'Cliente' when tipoSistema = 3 
      then 'Login' end [tipoSistema]    
from banner    
where 0 = 0     
and ( (titulo like '%' + @titulo + '%' and @titulo is not null) 
or @titulo is null)    
and ( (apresentaCookie = @apresentaCookie and @apresentaCookie is not null) 
or @apresentaCookie is null)

and ( ((vigenciaInicial >= @vigenciaInicial and vigenciaFinal <= @vigenciaFinal) 
and (@vigenciaInicial is not null and @vigenciaFinal is not null )) 
or (@vigenciaInicial is null or @vigenciaFinal is null) )    
and ( (tipoSistema = @tipoSistema and @tipoSistema is not null) 
or @tipoSistema is null)

Someone’s been through this trouble?

The error:

The 'vigenciaInicial' Property on 'Banner' could not be set to a 'System.String' value. You must set this Property to a non-null value of type 'System.Datetime'.


Both calls below return value after the treatment of ''

exec spAdmin_Banner_ConsultaBannerPeloFiltro @titulo = null,@apresentaCookie = null,@vigenciaInicial = null,@vigenciaFinal = null,@tipoSistema = null


exec spAdmin_Banner_ConsultaBannerPeloFiltro @titulo = null,@apresentaCookie = null,@vigenciaInicial = '',@vigenciaFinal = '',@tipoSistema = null

Script Table

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Usuario](
    [Usuarioid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [CpfCnpJ] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
    [Nome] [varchar](120) NOT NULL,
    [sexo] [char](1) NULL,
    [DataNascimento] [datetime] NULL,
    [senhaAcesso] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,
    [lembreteSenha] [varchar](200) NULL,
    [ativo] [bit] NULL,
    [DataCadastro] [datetime] NULL,
    [Usuarioid] ASC
  • Your trial still returns nothing, the error is that now instead of vazio ('') she’s returning null and Ienumerable cannot be null.

  • @Georgewurthmann you speak of the values or the same result? When I take the treatise of '' from the trial it works without presenting any feedback. When I add the treatment the error occurs.

  • I speak of the return of Procedure, from what I understand now it is returning NULL, as its method expects the return of a Ienumerable it from error. If this is really what is happening change to when there is no data, return empty and not null.

  • @Georgewurthmann added 2 Procedure call examples and both return value via SQL.

  • You still have the problem?

  • @Virgilionovic could not use Procedure so I converted the query to Linq

  • It went wrong because the parameters have to be like

  • @Virgilionovic tried to use the Sqlparameter and it didn’t work either.

  • 1

    I’ll make a minimal example

  • If you can provide the script for this table?

  • 1

    @Virgilionovic don’t have here now, tomorrow I post the table script.

  • And then you solved your problem?

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2 answers


Have some problems one of them is in of his StoredProcedure have to remove the two conversions (convert(varchar(10)) getting this new :

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spAdmin_Banner_ConsultaBannerPeloFiltro]
    @titulo as varchar(100) = null,
    @apresentaCookie as bit = null,
    @vigenciaInicial as datetime = null,
    @vigenciaFinal as datetime = null,
    @tipoSistema as tinyint = null

    ,tipoSistema [tipoSistemaId]
    ,case when tipoSistema = 1 then 'Prestador' when tipoSistema = 2 then 'Cliente' 
    when tipoSistema = 3 then 'Login' end [tipoSistema]
from banner
where 0 = 0 and ( (titulo like '%' + @titulo + '%' and @titulo is not null)
or @titulo is null)
and ( (apresentaCookie = @apresentaCookie and @apresentaCookie is not null) 
or @apresentaCookie is null)
and ( ((vigenciaInicial >= @vigenciaInicial and vigenciaFinal <= @vigenciaFinal) 
and (@vigenciaInicial is not null and @vigenciaFinal is not null )) 
or (@vigenciaInicial is null or @vigenciaFinal is null) )
and ( (tipoSistema = @tipoSistema and @tipoSistema is not null) 
or @tipoSistema is null)

Observing: your SQL is confused, but even so it works take a deep look if this is the same result you want.

The other point would be in the method, needs to be configured with the types and passed the data correctly if they are null (DBNull.Value) and with the modifications below brings the results of your table correctly:

public class ConsultaBanner
    public string Titulo { get; set; }
    public bool? ApresentaCookie { get; set; }
    public DateTime? VigenciaInicial { get; set; }
    public DateTime? VigenciaFinal { get; set; }
    public short? TipoSistema { get; set; }                

public IEnumerable GetFilteredList(ConsultaBanner filtro)

   SqlParameter pTitulo = new SqlParameter("@titulo",SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);            
   SqlParameter pApresentaCookie = new SqlParameter("@apresentaCookie",SqlDbType.Bit);
   SqlParameter pVigenciaInicial = new SqlParameter("@vigenciaInicial",SqlDbType.DateTime);
   SqlParameter pVigenciaFinal = new SqlParameter("@vigenciaFinal",SqlDbType.DateTime);
   SqlParameter pTipoSistema = new SqlParameter("@tipoSistema",SqlDbType.TinyInt);

   pTitulo.Value = (object)filtro.Titulo ?? DBNull.Value; 
   pApresentaCookie.Value = (object)filtro.ApresentaCookie ?? DBNull.Value;
   pVigenciaInicial.Value = (object)filtro.VigenciaInicial ?? DBNull.Value;
   pVigenciaFinal.Value = (object)filtro.VigenciaFinal ?? DBNull.Value;
   pTipoSistema.Value = (object)filtro.TipoSistema ?? DBNull.Value;

   String sql = "exec spAdmin_Banner_ConsultaBannerPeloFiltro @titulo,";
   sql += "@apresentaCookie,@vigenciaInicial,@vigenciaFinal,@tipoSistema";

   return this.Banner.SqlQuery(
  • I tested your script and the error persisted. I solved my problem by converting the query to Latin.

  • The problem is surely in your database that is bad configured, this code has been tested but, the table was suitable for it! No problem solved your question all right @Krismorte


I tried in several ways to use the trial according to the code informed by me in the query and by Virgilio. I ended up converting the query to Linq to SQL

 public IEnumerable GetFilteredList(ConsultaBanner filtro)

            return context.Banners.Where(b =>
                (b.titulo.Contains(filtro.titulo) | filtro.titulo == null) &
                (b.apresentaCookie == filtro.apresentaCookie | filtro.apresentaCookie == null) &
                (b.vigenciaInicial >= filtro.vigenciaInicial | filtro.vigenciaInicial == null) &
                (b.vigenciaFinal <= filtro.vigenciaFinal | filtro.vigenciaFinal == null) &
                (b.tipoSistema == filtro.tipoSistema | filtro.tipoSistema == null))

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