I have a module that generates reports on excel
, being one of these reports, the module called Occurrences. Where through DropDownList
it informs me all the records of the table OcorrTipoEntr
, that has the columns OctCodigo
and OctDesc
but in that ddl
he just brings me the description of the occurrence:
Addressee Ausente
In the class that informs this query TipoOcorrencia.cs
he just makes a simple query SELECT * FROM OcorrTipoEntr
'cause like I said, I need every load of data that’s on this table.
But I need that ddl
enter the occurrence code, followed by the description.Example:
46 - Recipient Absent
My question is, where can I apply this change?
In the jQuery
, in the code-behind
, in the class? It would just be a concatenation?
Is it Aspnetmvc ??? If you have the code that sends this information to the screen ??? Your database is SQL Server?
– novic