Click on button and open list


Viewed 813 times


I’m trying to make the user, by clicking on the button, see all the contents of the database and when it is not on display 6 products (this is already ok), but the part of the button I’m breaking my head and I don’t know where I’m going wrong. Follows script:

This is the part of the code that displays 6 items (search in BD with a LIMIT 6):

<div class="col-md-9">

    <div class="row"> 

        $dao=new produtoDAO($conexao);
        $produtos = $dao->listaContainer();
        foreach($produtos as $produto) : 

        <div class="col-md-4">
            <div class="card card-product card-plain">

                <div class="image">
                    <a href="precompra.php?id=<?=$produto->getId()?>">
                        <img src="../cadastro/fotos/<?=$produto->getFoto() ?>" alt="foto"/>

                <div class="content">
                    <a href="#">
                        <h4 class="title"><?=$produto->getMarca()->getNome() ?></h4>
                    <p class="description">
                      <?=$produto->getDescricao() ?>
                    <div class="footer">
                        <span class="price"> R&dollar;<?=$produto->getPreco() ?></span>                     

                </div><!-- card-product -->

            </div> <!-- end card -->

        </div><!-- col-md-4 -->
        <?php endforeach?>

This is the part of the code referring to the Open Button more, I used None display, javascript function but could not make it work...

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
if($("#produtos").css('display') === 'none'){


                              <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-4" >                      
                              <button type="button" rel="tooltip" title="Abrindo..." class="btn btn-default btn-round" id="successBtn" data-toggle="morphing" data-rotation-color="red" >Mais Produtos...

                            <div class="col-md-4"  style="display:none;" id="produtos">

                            $dao=new produtoDAO($conexao);
                            $produtos = $dao->listaProdutos();
                            foreach($produtos as $produto) : 
                            <div class="card card-product card-plain">

                                <div class="image">
                                    <a href="precompra.php?id=<?=$produto->getId()?>">
                                <img src="../cadastro/fotos/<?=$produto->getFoto() ?>" alt="foto"/>

                                <div class="content">
                                    <a href="#">
                                        <h4 class="title"><?=$produto->getMarca()->getNome() ?></h4>
                                    <p class="description">
                                      <?=$produto->getDescricao() ?>
                                    <div class="footer">
                                        <span class="price"> R&dollar;<?=$produto->getPreco() ?></span>                     

                                <</div> <!-- end card -->

                         </div><!-- col-md-4 -->

                             <?php endforeach?>


                    </div><!-- row -->
                </div><!-- col-md-9 -->

           </div><!-- row -->
       </div><!-- container -->
</div><!-- section -->
  • I guess you just forgot the ID selector # in the click of successBtn - $("#successBtn").click(function () { ... }

  • Thanks Pedro, I changed and includes the selector but still nothing. The button is not working.

1 answer


You can try it this way and see if it resolves.

$(function() {

Functional example.

$(function() {
    if($("#produtos").css('display') === 'none'){
<script src=""></script>
<input type="button" value="mostrar produtos" id="successBtn">
<div id="produtos" style="display:none;">

  • Matthew made the change he suggested to me but it still didn’t work.

  • Try using jQuery’s show() and Hide(), show() to show, Hide() to hide: jQuery('#produtos').show();

  • hi Matthew changed and nothing. The button is in the condition "opening" and does not open the list of products. Where I am missing?

  • You can check if you enter the click function ?

  • jQuery.fn.offset = Function( options ) { if ( Arguments.length ) { Return options === Undefined ? this : this.each(Function( i ) { jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i ); }); }

  • i found this offset function in jquery.1.10.2.js file would be this? or if not how I check if it is entering the click function?

  • You can debug with console.log() and check if it appeared on your browser console, example : $("#successBtn"). click(Function(){console.log('entered'); $("#products"). show(); });

  • Matthew does not appear on the island

  • I edited the answer and added a functional example, can be based on it.

  • Matthew, I made the change to my question as you directed me up there. The display: None is working (not listing) so it’s right to hide the listing, The button is not working yet, it’s running that Morphing. I believe the function is not running even indicating the buttonSuccess id. Our ta complicated even. You can help me find this error?

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