Visual Heritage of Windows Form


Viewed 356 times


I am making a base form with all the components I need to perform a CRUD, and for example, when I create the customer registration form, I will inherit the base class and so show up all the basic components I need to use, so far so good, when I realize this heritage the components appear as I really wanted, only that they are as blocked, I can not put any more component on top of this inherited form, there is this possibility to take the inheritance of the base class and then continue putting extra components ?

  • Good question , I am not an expert in setting up guis in c# but in this situation in java I would create a panel as a container in the main window , I would inherit this panel in the other window and add other guis in this new window (in the space left ), I believe you can apply this inheritance in a container and not in the whole form in c#.

1 answer


Yes, to edit the added controls in the parent form, change the properties MODIFIERS of these controls to PUBLIC.

  • Good morning Rovann, forgive my ignorance, but where do I find this modifiers to change to public ? No Initializecomponentes ?

  • I got it buddy, I changed the modified ones in Initializecomponent and it worked, thank you so much for the help.

  • 1

    is a property of Form, you can change them in the visual part too, in the Properties window of Visual Studio

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