Using methods from a project written in C++ in C# (Same Solution)


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I need to consume methods written in C++ in a project written in C#, within . NET (both) and that are contained in the same Solution (as shown in the image below)

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I tried to compile the projects and add the C++ project reference (which was created in DLL->Empty Project mode by visual studio), and when I added (to the C#project) it was not available for me to use the class I am developing in C++

Then I removed the reference and tried to add again (because it had a yellow triangle on top), and now when I try to load the reference, it shows the following error message:

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Could someone help me?

I need this because I have to implement a method in Assembly language, and C# doesn’t allow me to program Assembly as C++ does (*it’s a college job, and I didn’t want to write the whole program in C++ but in C#, the point is just Assembly itself)

  • You need to get out of managed code for unmanaged; it’s boring, but that’s what needs to be done

  • Have you tried following these MSDN tips?

1 answer


In the properties of your C++ project change the option "Common Language Runtime Support" to "Common Language Runtime Support (/clr)" in "Configuration Properties->General->Project Defaults". Libraries developed without CLR cannot be referenced directly in C#, so you should create your library in C++ using CLR.

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