Help with Windowsforms


Viewed 52 times


I’m having a hard time showing it on Form. I have a main form (fmrPrincipal) and another form for registering a client (fmrCadastraClient). Inside fmrPrincipal has a menu with the "Client" field and then the user selects "Sign up client". The moment he clicks on this option, I want it to look like the photo below:Como eu queria que ficasse

This image I made in Paint, because I could not do inside Visual Studio. How could I leave it like this ? I am searching on some forums but so far nothing. There is another way beyond that I am thinking ?

Thank you!

  • Are you talking about the position of the Controls? Textboxes and Buttons?

  • You want the Main form controls to make way for the registration form controls?

  • Some solution Victor ?

2 answers


In the FormPrincipal define the property IsMDIContainer as true, and when opening the FormCadastraCliente place the property MdiParent as your current form ('this').


frmCadastraCliente form = new frmCadastraCliente();
form.MdiParent = this;
form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;


Do this at the click of your Sign Up Client button.

Form entrar = new frmMenuPrincipal();

Just change the frm for yours, that’s an example of my code.

frmMenuPrincipal(); is the form you created from the register.

That " enter ", you can change to anything, it’s a variable.

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