Update two tables with condition


Viewed 247 times


I have the following scenario Two Tables Source Table - Destination Table

Both with the same fields [ID] [name] [CPF]

The query must go in the [CPF] columns of the two tables, when the [CPF] of the Origin and Destination is equal, it must update the [Name] field of the Destination Table according to the Origin.

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2 answers


Although you haven’t specified the SGBD, to query to the SQL Server, for example, it would look like this:

   SET dest.nome = ori.nome
  FROM destino dest
       INNER JOIN origem ori ON ori.cpf = dest.cpf

Some examples of the use of INNER JOIN are available in the article Microsoft Technet: Using internal junctions


For DBMS Oracle:

    UPDATE destino dest
       SET dest.nome = NVL((SELECT ori.nome
                              FROM origem ori
                             WHERE ori.cpf = dest.cpf), dest.nome);
  • 1

    The problem with its solution is that if there is no one at the origin with the same CPF, the field will be updated with null

  • 1

    I updated my code, added an NVL, predicting the null return of SELECT.

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