What is the difference between $Animate and ngAnimate?


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At Angular 1, we have a service called $animate. This comes by default in Angular.

But we also have a library, which is optionally added to the project, called ngAnimate. This is intended to add animations in ng-if, ng-repeat, ng-show and the like.

I’d like to know the difference between the two?

That one $animate dispenses with the use of ngAnimate?


1 answer


These two providers are different ways to handle the same module, module.animation().

ngAnimate is a directive that is injected into directives (such as ngRepeat, ngView, ngIf and others ) that can benefit from the animation module to present state differences.

$animate is a service that allows you to programmatically handle the animation module by triggering class events ($animate.addClass(), .removeClass(), .enter(), .leave() and others).

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