Hey, how you doing? I have a code that filters the data of a JSON with jQuey, I can filter with pre-defined values in a variable. But I wanted to use the values of a jquery ui slide range to filter the json, but when I try to do this I can’t get it back empty. Does anyone know how I can use the slide range for such an operation? Thank you
I am making a Javascript filter with Jquery where it filters a result that is in Json, but I am not able to make it Filtre using a slider range from Jquery UI. JSON
var json = { "tpAmbiente":null, "hotelPesquisa":[ { "dtEntrada":"20170510", "dtSaida":"20170511", "hotel":{ "id":94, "nome":"Itamarati" }, "quarto":[ { "quartoUh":[ { "nQUarto": 1, "tarifa":{ "vlDiariaTotal":157.21, "desconto":null }, "qtDisponivel":null, "desconto":null }, { "nQUarto": 2, "tarifa":{ "vlDiariaTotal":157.21, "desconto":null }, "qtDisponivel":null, "desconto":null }, ] } ] }, { "dtEntrada":"20170510", "dtSaida":"20170511", "hotel":{ "id":95, "nome":"copacabana" }, "quarto":[ { "quartoUh":[ { "nQUarto": 1, "tarifa":{ "vlDiariaTotal":102.1, "desconto":null }, "qtDisponivel":null, "desconto":null }, { "nQUarto": 2, "tarifa":{ "vlDiariaTotal":102.1, "desconto":null }, "qtDisponivel":null, "desconto":null }, ] } ] }, { "dtEntrada":"20170510", "dtSaida":"20170511", "hotel":{ "id":96, "nome":"Itamarati" }, "quarto":[ { "quartoUh":[ { "nQUarto": 1, "tarifa":{ "vlDiariaTotal":157.21, "desconto":null }, "qtDisponivel":null, "desconto":null }, { "nQUarto": 2, "tarifa":{ "vlDiariaTotal":157.21, "desconto":null }, "qtDisponivel":null, "desconto":null }, ] } ] }, { "dtEntrada":"20170510", "dtSaida":"20170511", "hotel":{ "id":96, "nome":"Litoral Hotel" }, "quarto":[ { "quartoUh":[ { "nQUarto": 1, "tarifa":{ "vlDiariaTotal":1001.00, "desconto":null }, "qtDisponivel":null, "desconto":null }, { "nQUarto": 2, "tarifa":{ "vlDiariaTotal":1001.00, "desconto":null }, "qtDisponivel":null, "desconto":null }, ] } ] } ] };
function filtro(min, max){ var pesquisa = { min: min, max: max }; var filtrados = json.hotelPesquisa.filter(function(hotel) { hotel.quarto[0].quartoUh = hotel.quarto[0].quartoUh.filter(function(quarto) { return quarto.tarifa.vlDiariaTotal dados.min; }); return hotel.quarto[0].quartoUh.length > 0; }); console.log(filtrados); }
I use Jquery UI the slider range that the code and:
$("#price-range").slider({ range: true, min: 0, max: 1000, values: [ 0, 1000 ], slide: function( event, ui ) { tjq(".min-price-label").html(ui.values[ 0 ]); tjq(".max-price-label").html(ui.values[ 1 ]); filtro(ui.values[ 0 ], ui.values[ 1 ]); } });
When I drag the slider it calls the filter function by passing the min and max parameters in order to filter the json with the minimum and maximum values of the slider. at first it even filters but after I drag the slider several times it returns empty:
Does anyone know how I can fix this? Thank you!
How about you [Dit] your question and add your code? It will be much easier to understand what you are wanting. Also seek to make a [mcve] so that we can verify the solutions.
– Woss
@Andersoncarloswoss I hope it will make you better to understand.
– usuario