How do I view the details of an Session on IIS like in Java using Tomcat?


Viewed 394 times


In the Tomcat manager, we have to list open sessions and see the "details" of each one, including see a list of all session variables (key-value) of that session, as shown in the example image below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Is there anything similar in IIS? has how I see all the session variables of an active session in IIS manager? If so, where?

1 answer


You can enable tracking in your project, for this just add the line below in your Web.config file:

     <trace enabled="true" requestLimit="40" pageOutput="true" />

And after running your project, just add the path: /Trace.axd at the end of the url.

There may be more elegant solutions, but this one works well.

  • Hello @Cassioalves , with this information, it already helps, but it’s still not exactly what I needed, I chose to save the sessions in SQL Server and recover the session variables with an external application I developed for this purpose. Even so, very nice this trace.

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