How does the integration of Google Maps into the web version work?


Viewed 34 times


Hello! My question may seem a little vague, but I didn’t know how to summarize my doubt in a few words. What I want to know is: how does Google Maps validate API_KEY and return the map in the web integration? Basically, the backend and frontend part I can turn around, but how does this feature of Google Maps that validates API_KEY, calls a callback and renders on screen?

I don’t know if you understand the question, but it’s not JS or backend. Basically, what resources/technologies would I need to know/study to be able to create something similar (thinking about technology, not product)? Has something to do with mime-type or something?

  • You want to create a service where users would need an API_KEY so they could use @Claudio Neto ?

  • What I need is basically to allow the user to integrate this way: <div id="test"></div>&#xA;<script src="MinhaUrlDoServiço?key=API_KEY"></script>&#xA;<script>&#xA; var testeApp = ObjectApp.RenderApplication($('#test'));&#xA;</script> Through my JS url, I would validate API_KEY and return the JS content, so my application could be rendered.

1 answer


I ran a test and I was able to solve it. Basically, that’s what I did:


public HttpResponseMessage Index(string key)
    var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
    response.Content = new StringContent("function Console() { console.log('Funcionou - " + key + "'); }");
    response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/javascript");
    return response;


<script src="http://localhost:41852/api/Scripts?key=123456"></script>

Javascript returned by C# is integrated in my site and Function Console comes into existence, without giving any error in the console saying that Function Console was not defined.

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