How to install non-terminal version 6.10.3 of nodejs


Viewed 278 times


How do I install version 6.10.3 of nodejs in Ubuntu ? When do I install from the terminal (sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs) it always installs version 4.7.2. Is there another way to install without the terminal ? Grateful Flavius

  • You can try the manual installation of nodejs .

  • I found the solution in this post;

  • - Thank you very much

1 answer


The repositories are outdated, they explain that one should use Curl here. Then download the package directly from them and have it installed.

You have two other options: compile the source code (instructions on the Node website) or download the binaries directly from the site and include in your PATH.

  • Hello Daniel, I did the installation using the Curl you sent, but when it will download the packages, the following error happens:

  • E: Failed to download some index files. Ignored or used old ones instead. Error executing command, exiting

  • Know how to solve this problem?

  • Checks if the setup file is coming, runs Curl without the -sL, with only -L and see if it’s coming. This url of them has an x in place of the end of the version, so I do not know if it is to put the desired version or if with the x it brings the newest.

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