To run an emulator via command line use the following command:
emulator -avd avd_name [ {-option [value]} … ]
For example, if you have an emulator named Nexus_5x_api_25_x86 the following command will launch it.
emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_25_x86
To list the names of existing emulators use the command
emulator -list-avds
Commands must be executed inside the folder where the Emulator.exe, by default in
or use the full path to the Emulator.exe
C:\Users\NomeDoUtilizador\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools\emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_25_x86
C:\Users\NomeDoUtilizador\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools\emulator -list-avds
I get this error: [6892]:ERROR:. /android/Qt/qt_setup.cpp:28:Qt library not found at .. Emulator lib64 Qt lib Could not Launch '.. Emulator/qemu/windows-x86_64/qemu-system-x86_64.exe': No such file or directory
– alexjosesilva
What folder is the Emulator.exe?
– ramaral
I was able to execute, just insert the path : path/to/Sdk/Emulator -use-system-libs -Avd [AVD-NAME]
– alexjosesilva