I need help, I have an e-commerce table called product table, I need to list the product name, sales value, products with stock between 20 and 30 and any part of the product name has the letter "A", and I need to sort in this order, starting with the name. As I don’t know SQL made:
SELECT FROM tabelaproduto nomeprod LIKE(%A), valorvenda, WHERE estoqueprod BETWEEN 20 and 30
Is that correct? Because I need to change the name of the product to "promotional" the value of the sale to 10% of the current value, and the stock of the key product "3" to 10 units, when I run the first command, it appears all null.
Thank you =)
Dude, it really helped me, man, it gave me a North. I was completely lost, I had +- a notion, but his explanation was fantastic. Now for me to change the product, and the price, is that enough?
Update tabelaproduto set 
Nomeprod = ‘Promoção’
Valorvenda = valorvenda+(valorvenda*10/100)
Where produtocod = 8;
– Geraldo Silva
Exactly, that will be enough to upgrade the product.
– bruno
Man, thank you really, really helped me out/
– Geraldo Silva
You’re welcome, @Geraldosilva
– bruno