Of the many requests to the team responsible for MS SQL Server from the user community, this should be at the top of the list. Here is just one example:
Please fix the "String or Binary data would be truncated" message to Give the column name
If you encounter error in production environment it is quite complicated to detect which column is responsible for the error, because the data in many cases comes from the UI layer.
In development/testing environment, or if you are for example uploading information from a file, there are some alternatives, one of which is to access the information available in the sys.Columns table and compare, column by column, with the information you are trying to insert into the table.
Since you are running an Insert, I assume you have somehow mapped the information between the data source and the target table.
Start by creating a temporary table with the data you want to insert, it is important that the column names are the same as the table you want to insert.
In this example we will assume that you want to insert the information in the table Table Table and that it has the following structure:
Coluna1 NVARCHAR(250),
Coluna2 NVARCHAR(250),
Coluna3 NVARCHAR(250),
Coluna4 NVARCHAR(250),
Coluna5 NVARCHAR(250),
SELECT X1 AS Coluna1
,X2 AS Coluna2
,X3 AS Coluna3
,X4 AS Coluna4
,X5 AS Coluna5
INTO #TabelaTemporaria
FROM Origem
Now, using the information in the sys.Columns table, you can compare the two tables (temporary table and destination table):
WITH Destino AS
SELECT C.column_id ,
ColumnName= C.name ,
C.max_length ,
C.user_type_id ,
C.precision ,
C.scale ,
DataTypeName = T.name
FROM sys.columns C
INNER JOIN sys.types T
ON T.user_type_id = C.user_type_id
DadosOrigem AS
SELECT C.column_id ,
ColumnName= C.name ,
C.max_length ,
C.user_type_id ,
C.precision ,
C.scale ,
DataTypeName = T.name
FROM TempDB.sys.columns C
INNER JOIN tempdb.sys.types T
ON T.user_type_id=C.user_type_id
INNER JOIN tempdb.sys.objects O
ON o.object_id=c.object_id
WHERE O.name = 'TabelaTemporaria'
FROM Destino D
INNER JOIN DadosOrigem O
ON D.ColumnName = O.ColumnName
WHERE ISNULL(D.max_length,0) < ISNULL(O.max_length,999) --> O tamanho da coluna na tabela de destino é inferir ao tamanho dos dados que pretende inserir.
It is possible that I have to make some adjustments to the code above, since I am not currently on a computer with SQL Server.
I suggest you change the application to return the other error information that is provided by SQL Server. In addition to ERROR_MESSAGE(), there are also ERROR_PROCEDURE(), ERROR_LINE() and others.
– José Diz
If you change your application by limiting the amount of characters the user can type in each field according to the capacity of each column, you solve your problem once and for all.
– Reginaldo Rigo