How to run a task every month using Java


Viewed 108 times



I would like to know how I can schedule a task to be executed all 1 day of the month.

Thank you.

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  • Does it necessarily have to be in Java? A simple script in bat or bash would solve your problem.

1 answer


LocalDate date =;
boolean isFirstDay = date.getDayOfMonth() == 1;
if (isFirstDay) executaTarefa();

But I advise to do this by operating system, on Windows has the task scheduler and on linux we have the crontab. Both are easy to use.

  • More if I use the"Windows Task Scheduler, I will be able to run a code inside my . jar? And this code you sent, for me to check with it I can use a Timer(), Checking every 10 minutes? Thanks.

  • 1

    @Skyvox won’t not. the scheduler works the part inside windows. This answer does not answer what was asked, because your question is too wide.

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