How to Sort List (Hibernate)


Viewed 1,024 times


How can I order a List with java and Hibernate?

I have an abstract class with this method

public List<T> listarContas(String where) {
    String consulta = "FROM " + entityClass.getSimpleName()+ " where "+ where;
    Query query = getEntityManager().createQuery(consulta);
    return query.getResultList();

and I have the controller with this method that calls the list

public List<Usuario> getListaUsuariosAtivados(){
   listaUsuarios = usuarioFacade.listarContas("(situacao) = 'Ativo'");
   return listaUsuarios;

I’m using Java, Hibernate, Mysql, and Primefaces.

Would have some way to make one "Order By" or something else?

2 answers


You can also apply sorting via the "Orderby" annotation directly to the entity attribute.

    public class Escola{
       @OrderBy("ultimoNome ASC")
       public Set<Estudante> getEstudantes() {...};

Alternative solution is to apply sorting directly in the return collection with Comparable and Comparator.


In JPQL, simply use ORDER BY followed by the variable name in your entity. Follow an example by situacao:

public List<T> listarContas(String where) {
    String consulta = "FROM " + entityClass.getSimpleName()+ " where "+ where
    + " ORDER BY situacao ";
    Query query = getEntityManager().createQuery(consulta);
    return query.getResultList();

By default, it is an ascending ordering. If you want to make descending, just add DESC at the end:

+ " ORDER BY situacao DESC ";
  • 1

    Thank you very much, it worked out that’s what I was looking for :D

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