How to run a javascript referencing a button ID?


Viewed 246 times


I need to run a javascript, plus I would like to do this using the ID of the button that clicked,


$(Document). ready(Function(){

      alert("estou usando o P.");

        //eu precisa de alguma coisa assim
         alert("estou usando o id."); 


How to use id reference?.

In this example only works when using the "P tag"


  • reformulates the question that was confused.

  • I’ll do it now

1 answer


var btn1 = document.querySelector("#mostrarcampo");
    document.querySelector("#extratres").style.display = 'block';

This does the same as the

    //eu precisava de alguma coisa assim
    document.getElementById("extratres").style.display = 'block';  


  • the excerpt you show does not work, I already tested

  • I changed my question to facilitate understanding

  • You’re right, I took the test and it worked

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