SQL Server PDO error: There are no more Rows in the active result set. Since this result set is not scrollable, no more data may be retrieved


Viewed 370 times


I’m trying to take records from one table and record in another of the same kind, but I’m having this error:

There are no more Rows in the active result set. Since this result set is not scrollable, no more data may be retrieved.

the code is as follows:

 $gameuser = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM [omegashop].[dbo].[GameUser] WHERE [token] = :token');
  $gameuser->bindParam(':token', $token, PDO::PARAM_STR);

  $result = $gameuser->fetchAll();
  foreach($result as $linha)
      $usuario = $linha['userid'];
      $senha   = $linha['Passwd'];
      $remote  = 0;

      $query = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO [accountdb].[dbo].[".( strtoupper($usuario[0]) ) ."GameUser] ([userid],[Passwd],[GPCode],[RegistDay],[DisuseDay],[inuse],[Grade],[EventChk],[SelectChk],[BlockChk],[SpecialChk],[Credit],[DelChk],[Channel]) values( :usuario, :senha,'PTP-RUD001','12-12-2020','12-12-2020','0','U','0','0','0','0','0','0', :remote)");
      $query->bindParam(':usuario', $usuario, PDO::PARAM_STR);
      $query->bindParam(':senha', $senha, PDO::PARAM_STR);
      $query->bindParam(':remote', $remote, PDO::PARAM_STR);

  • Puts a $query->closeCursor(); after the $query->execute();

  • The statement must be executed before Results can be retrieved. @Edit opa diz o inverso vou tentar novo

  • still continues the error

  • understood the logic of this method, now I got it, thank you. could post the reply describing this method?

  • Add the instantiation of your $Pdo object I believe to be a few things in your preconfiguration but without this detail there is no way to be sure.

1 answer


One way to resolve this is to inform the server that the query/command has ended and no synchronization type is required. Call the method closeCursor() after the execute()

Your code should be:


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