How do I know if a key in sql server is Identity? How do I find out? The version is 2014.
How do I know if a key in sql server is Identity? How do I find out? The version is 2014.
SELECT is_identity
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id = object_id('Nome_da_sua_tabela')
AND name = 'Nome_da_sua_coluna'
Will return 1 if column is Identity
Complementing @Artur’s reply, if you want a relation (table/column) of all identitys keys of a given database:
select o.name, c.name
from sys.objects o inner join sys.columns c on o.object_id = c.object_id
where c.is_identity = 1
You can use the COLUMNPROPERTY for that reason.
select columnproperty(object_id('NomeTabela'),'NomeColuna','IsIdentity')
This way will return one of the options:
1 = TRUE
NULL = The input is not valid.
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