Difference between printf and format


Viewed 227 times


Is there any difference between using the printf and the format?

Example 01:

float nota = 5.3f
System.out.printf ("Sua nota: %.2f", nota)

Example 02:

float nota = 5.3f
System.out.format ("Sua nota: %.2f", nota)

1 answer


In accordance with the documentation:

A convenience method to write a Formatted string to this output stream using the specified format string and Arguments. An Invocation of this method of the form out.printf(format, args) behaves in Exactly the same way as the Invocation out.format(format, args)

That is, there is no difference, because the out.printf is just a different way of invoking the out.format.

Searching the source code of the open source version of java (Openjdk), what happens is that the printf makes a call to the format and nothing else:

 public PrintStream printf(String format, Object ...args) {
     return format(format, args);

source: grepcode.com

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