Android Development


Viewed 76 times


What are the disadvantages of using Eclipse instead of Android Studio in the development of an Android application?

I want to start developing my App, but because I have a very limited Hardware I think I will use the same Eclipse IDE. I need to know the downsides.

  • Thank you! ... I just did not understand why they gave slide on my question, I’m beginner, Oras :/

1 answer


Theoretically, vc can develop for android using Notepad only.

Eclipse is one of the most used Ides for JAVA and until AS appeared was one of the most used also for Android.

If you have no option, use Eclipse but do not compare. Eclipse uses a plugin to adapt to Android. AS is a version of Intellij made for Android.

It is not only the editing, testing and debugging, but the compilation, digital signature, the versioning of applications, and even the updating of the desktop is facilitated and made all within Android Studio.

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