How to align a text in the middle of the height of an image?


Viewed 2,558 times


I tried several ways and still could not, I’m kind of new with CSS, I wanted this "Name" to be at the time that matches the middle of the image next.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Could you post some example code? The most appropriate way to solve your problem may depend on how your HTML and CSS are now.

  • A line-height can help you.

  • publish the code you are using please.

3 answers


Usually you will use the display: table-cell in the box where you want to style the vertical position of the text and then use the vertical-align: middle, but then you need to set a height for that box too.

However, perhaps with display: flex be much simpler and less ugly. I, if I were you, would study how he behaves. Today I am too old to learn this voice... = P


I will leave a code that you will position your text where you want, changing the values of

top: 20px; left: 120px; in css

.image { 

   position: relative; 

   width: 100%; /* para IE 6 */
.h2 { 
   position: absolute; 
   top: 20px; 
   left: 120px; 
   width: 100%; 

.h2 span { 
   color: blue; 
   font: bold 14px Helvetica, Sans-Serif; 
   letter-spacing: -1px;  
<div class="image">
<img src="" alt="" />
 <h2  class="h2"><span>La Treta<span class='spacer'></span></h2>



Just apply to the vertical-align image: Middle.

By default, the images are positioned at the bottom of the line. See this example as simple:


  <img class="middle" src="" alt=""> Teste


.middle {
  vertical-align: middle;

Example link:

Another very useful link and this site you answer the questions and it gives you the final code of how to center the content.

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