I am developing an alternative method to login via certificate, without needing java or a specific language, only http and php to process backend information (but that could be manipulated by any other language that processes http). The most common methods that exist are the Certsign, but Elepossui low interoperability limited to languages such as . NET and Java. In addition this method depends on their web-service to get the certificate CPF, if their system is out it is not possible to altenticar the user.
We know that it is possible to request the certified through SSL Handshake, which enables the web server to open a request for the client’s certificate within a pre-selected certificate chain, which will do exactly what Certsign does.
The data I can extract from an NF-e certificate is this(obfuscated):
We have already requested an e-CPF and an e-CNOJ, the question is, where inside the public data of the certificate are the information referring to the number of the Cpf or cnpj?
_ Please, who is negatively answering this question please comment on the reason and what to do to be worthy of your most worthy support. _
– LeonanCarvalho