I’m dynamically adding one javascript
and its src
need to pass some parameters... the following function creates this "querystring":
var querystring = {a:'b',b:true,c:'d',e:false};
var query = Object.keys(querystring).map((key) => {return [key, querystring[key]].map(encodeURIComponent).join("=");}).join("&");
// output: "a=b&b=true&c=d&e=false"
These values are used as the configuration argument of javascript
added... to redeem these values for a object
use the following function:
var scripts = document.body.getElementsByTagName('script'),
query = false;
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
if ( (/module-name\/index.js/g.test(scripts[i].src)) ) {
query = scripts[i].src.split('?')[1];
if ( !!query ) {
query = JSON.parse('{"' + decodeURI(query.replace(/&/g, "\",\"").replace(/=/g,"\":\"")) + '"}');
// output: {a: "b", b: "true", c: "d", e: "false"}
The problem is that I just need to observe the values as bad boolean I don’t know how to do this.
When adding 2 more replace()
to replace booleans if the last argument is a boolean returns a string
// exemplo 1:
var query = "a=b&b=true&c=d&e=false";
query = JSON.parse('{"' + decodeURI(query.replace(/&/g, "\",\"").replace(/=/g,"\":\"")).replace(/"true"/g, true).replace(/"false"/g, false) + '"}');
// output: {a:'b',b:true,c:'d',e:"false"};
// exemplo 2:
var query = "a=b&b=true&c=d&e=false&foo=bar";
query = JSON.parse('{"' + decodeURI(query.replace(/&/g, "\",\"").replace(/=/g,"\":\"")).replace(/"true"/g, true).replace(/"false"/g, false) + '"}');
// output: {a:'b',b:true,c:'d',e:false,foo:'bar'};
How can I solve this? If the last item of this "querystring" is a boolean actually returns a boolean?
returned fromquerystring
(if there is) will be merged with the object defaults at source... as these options are exclusivelybooleans
and used extensively in the source I cannot check each input until because the "module" can be extended :(– Lauro Moraes