How do I use the video tag in firefox or Chrome


Viewed 95 times


I’m trying and I can’t see the video in my system, picking up from the C:/, is working only on Internet Explore. Follow the code:

<video width="320" src="C:\video\" height="240" controls="controls" type="video/mov; codecs=dirac, speex">< /video>
  • Press F12 and then F5, look in the Console tab which was the error that appeared

  • humm good, says it is not allowed to display a local file

  • Open in Firefox and Opera and the video ran normally, I’m using Win8.1, have you copy exactly the error phrase that appears in your browser console?

1 answer


I believe this video format (.mov) is not supported.
Each browser supports a specific video format, but basically there are 3:

  • .ogg
  • .Webm
  • .mp4

The relationship between the video format and vavegador can be found in the "HTML Video - Browser Support" section on w3c.

  • opa thanks for help, but I’ve tried all these types and still will not, only normal funitionna in browser edge and I.E

  • Was the video converted to one of the above formats? or did you just change the extension?

  • was converted, the ones I tested were, Mp4, Webm, Mov, M4v

  • In my Firefox and Opera it worked, but maybe it’s because I installed Quicktime on the machine and used the system Codecs with this.

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