Export query output as Insert scripts


Viewed 2,405 times


I would like to export the result of a query in SQL Server as an Insert script to insert the data in another database.

I know there is the option to export the whole table through the "Tasks -> Generate Scripts" menu but I do not want to export the whole table, I need only a few records to do tests in another database.

ps: Banks are not on the same server.

  • For databases on different servers it is possible to use Linked Servers (linked servers).

  • @Josédiz Thank you for your attention, but the server I refer to is development, it is in an isolated network.

  • I added the script generate_inserts in the reply I posted.

  • Was any of the answer helpful? Don’t forget to choose one and mark it so it can be used if someone has a similar question!

3 answers


Usually when I need something like this I make one SELECT who manages the script for me INSERT at hand, follows an example of how I normally do.

Considering C1 INT and C2 and C3 STRING.

SELECT 'INSERT INTO TB1 (C1, C2, C3) VALUES (' + CAST(C1 AS VARCHAR) + ',''' + C2 + ''',''' + C3 + ''')'

Note in Sqlserver two quotes, '', is transformed into quotation marks '

When you run this select it will generate several lines of INSERT, in which you will only need to run on your other DB

  • Practically what I used in the procedure to generate the inserts


You can use the procedure down below:

if object_id('ferramenta.gerar_insercao', 'P') is null
  exec('create procedure ferramenta.gerar_insercao as');

alter procedure ferramenta.gerar_insercao(@schema    varchar(200) = 'dbo',
                                          @tabela    varchar(200),
                                          @where     varchar(max) = null,
                                          @top       int = null,
                                          @insert    varchar(max) output)
  declare @insert_campos varchar(max),
          @select        varchar(max),
          @erro          varchar(500),
          @query         varchar(max);

  declare @valores table(descricao varchar(max));

  set nocount on;

  -- Pega a relação de colunas
  select @insert_campos = isnull(@insert_campos + ', ', '') + c.name,
         @select = case type_name(c.system_type_id)
                      when 'varchar' then isnull(@select + ' + '', '' + ', '') + ' isnull('''''''' + cast(' + c.name + ' as varchar) + '''''''', ''null'')'
                      when 'datetime' then isnull(@select + ' + '', '' + ', '') + ' isnull('''''''' + convert(varchar, ' + c.name + ', 121) + '''''''', ''null'')'
                      else isnull(@select + ' + '', '' + ', '') + 'isnull(cast(' + c.name + ' as varchar), ''null'')'
    from sys.columns c with(nolock)
         inner join sys.tables t with(nolock) on t.object_id = c.object_id
         inner join sys.schemas s with(nolock) on s.schema_id = t.schema_id
   where s.name = @schema
     and t.name = @tabela;

  -- Caso não tenha encontrado as colunas...
  if @insert_campos is null or @select is null
    set @erro = 'Tabela ' + @schema + '.' + @tabela + ' não existe na base de dados.';
    raiserror(@erro, 16, 1);

  set @insert_campos = 'insert into ' + @schema + '.' + @tabela + '(' + @insert_campos + ')';

  if isnull(@where, '') <> '' and charindex('where', ltrim(rtrim(@where))) < 1
    set @where = 'where ' + @where;
    set @where = '';

  set @query = 'select ' + isnull('top(' + cast(@top as varchar) + ')', '') + @select + ' from ' + @schema + '.' + @tabela + ' with (nolock) ' + @where;

  insert into @valores(descricao)

  set @insert = isnull(@insert + char(10), '') + '--' + upper(@schema + '.' + @tabela);

  select @insert = @insert + char(10) + @insert_campos + char(10) + 'values(' + v.descricao + ');' + char(10) + 'go' + char(10)
    from @valores v
   where isnull(v.descricao, '') <> '';

As follows:

declare @insert varchar(max),
        @parte  varchar(max),
        @inicio int,
        @final  int;

set @inicio = 1;

exec ferramenta.gerar_insercao @schema = 'dbo',
                               @tabela = 'cliente',
                               @where  = 'codigo = 1',
                               @insert = @insert output;

-- Dá um comando "print" a cada quebra de linha para não estourar o tamanho máximo de 8000
while len(@insert) > 0
  set @final = charindex(char(10), @insert);

  if @final = 0
    set @final = len(@insert) + 1;

  print substring(@insert, @inicio, @final - 1);
  set @insert = substring(@insert, @final + 1, len(@insert) - @final + 1);

The result would be something like this:

insert into dbo.cliente(codigo, nome, tipo)
values(1, 'NOME DO CLIENTE', 'F');

If you didn’t want to use the where, you can use the parameter @top:

declare @insert varchar(max),
        @parte  varchar(max),
        @inicio int,
        @final  int;

set @inicio = 1;

exec ferramenta.gerar_insercao @schema = 'dbo',
                               @tabela = 'cliente',
                               @top    = 100,
                               @insert = @insert output;

-- Dá um comando "print" a cada quebra de linha para não estourar o tamanho máximo de 8000
while len(@insert) > 0
  set @final = charindex(char(10), @insert);

  if @final = 0
    set @final = len(@insert) + 1;

  print substring(@insert, @inicio, @final - 1);
  set @insert = substring(@insert, @final + 1, len(@insert) - @final + 1);


You can export/import directly between databases, without the need for intermediate files, and by delimiting in the WHERE clause the restrictions to obtain "only a few records".
Just have access to both databases.

If both databases are in the same instance:

-- código #1 v3
USE outrobanco;

INSERT into tabela 
  SELECT ...
    from banco.dbo.tabela
    where ...

But if the databases are in different instances, it is first necessary to link the source database to the "other database". Information in Create linked servers. After,

-- código #2
USE outrobanco;

INSERT into tabela 
  SELECT ...
    from servidor.banco.dbo.tabela
    where ...

But if you really need an intermediate file, evaluate the script generate_inserts meets your needs. Documentation included in the script.

  • The . works within the [] also?

  • 1

    @Sorack: In code #1, the [ ] pair defines something optional, according to the notation used in the SQL Server documentation. // Code #1 is an outline, including ... in the SELECT and WHERE clauses.

  • Beauty Jose, it was only a doubt that I had really, thank you

  • 1

    @Sorack: I modified the answer after your observation. The more detailed, the better.

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