Reactive Native error when generating Android app


Viewed 103 times


I’m running the commands:

react-native init AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject
react-native start

And then that command:

react-native run-android

The error that appears:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How to correct this error ??

  • For the first problem, EPERM, usually if you have the environment variables well configured, you should use the command line as administrator which should fix the problem. Regarding the second error, can you attach the results of the 'adb Devices' command? It appears to be a matter of not having an Emulator or phone/tablet on/available at the moment.

  • correct. With the startup of Emular. manage to correct the second error. As for the first was appended configure the environment variables

1 answer


1 Error was fixed by configuring environment variables and updating JDK and JRE.

2 Second error has been fixed just by initializing the Android emulator(in the case of android environment)

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