Appear div according to condition


Viewed 52 times


Good afternoon

At the end of an order I want to appear a div depending on the payment method, maybe identify by the name of the payment method. The div in question is this

	<a href="javascript:submitPaymentByPopUp('<?php echo $viewData["order_number"];?>','<?php echo $viewData['displayTotalInPaymentCurrency'];?>','','site',500,600);">Fazer pagamento</a></h2>

the whole page code is this:

defined ('_JEXEC') or die();

<div class="post_payment_payment_name" style="width: 100%">
	<span class="post_payment_payment_name_title"><?php echo vmText::_ ('VMPAYMENT_STANDARD_PAYMENT_INFO'); ?> </span>
	<?php echo  $viewData["payment_name"]; ?>

	<a href="javascript:submitPaymentByPopUp('<?php echo $viewData["order_number"];?>','<?php echo $viewData['displayTotalInPaymentCurrency'];?>','','site',500,600);">Fazer pagamento</a></h2>

<div class="post_payment_order_number" style="width: 100%">
	<span class="post_payment_order_number_title"><?php echo vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_NUMBER'); ?> </span>
	<?php echo  $viewData["order_number"]; ?>

<div class="post_payment_order_total" style="width: 100%">
	<span class="post_payment_order_total_title"><?php echo vmText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_PRINT_TOTAL'); ?> </span>
	<?php echo  $viewData['displayTotalInPaymentCurrency']; ?>
<a class="vm-button-correct" href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=orders&layout=details&order_number='.$viewData["order_number"].'&order_pass='.$viewData["order_pass"], false)?>"><?php echo vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_VIEW_ORDER'); ?></a>

My question is, how the name of the payment method is to hide the div where it is called the pop up, IE, I just want it to appear for a payment method.

  • Be clearer in the description of the problem, how it is difficult to understand what you are doing and what result you want to achieve.

  • My point is, as the name of the payment method is to hide the div where the pop up is called, I just want it to appear for a payment method.

  • See if the answer I gave solves your problem, @Lfredo.

  • No @Marcelo de Andrade, I put the code but the page shows the error HTTP ERROR 500

1 answer


Verify the means of payment using the if:

<?php if ($viewData["payment_name"] == 'PayPal'): ?>
    <a href="javascript:submitPaymentByPopUp('<?=$viewData["order_number"];?>','<?=$viewData['displayTotalInPaymentCurrency'];?>','','site',500,600);">Fazer pagamento</a></h2>
<?php end if; ?>


You can use the short tag <?= ?> to display text instead of the full tag <?php echo ... ?>

  • No @Marcelo de Andrade, I put the code but the page shows the error HTTP ERROR 500.

  • Enable error messages from PHP to check what is occurring. Erro 500 is too generic to know what happened.

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