I cannot install Firebird PDO support in PHP. My machine is running Mac Os Sierra. I have already researched on Pmorts and Pmmebrew and they do not offer support. Some old posts do not explain in detail how to solve this problem. Could someone help me?
What version of your php? Have you tried searching in PECL?
– jlHertel
Yes, I searched and found, but I don’t know how to use the compressed file provided, would you have any material to direct me in the installation? https://pecl.php.net/PDO_FIREBIRD
– Nilton Queiroz
MAMP pre-compiled? Or did you compile everything by hand? If you compiled it, you can also compile the PDO extension for Firebird. Strangely I was sure this came "ready" in the pre-compiled.
– Guilherme Nascimento