How do I emulate an Ionic 2 application on the tablet, and also as Gero a . ipa and . apk?


Viewed 2,070 times


I want to emulate my Ionic 2 application on the tablet but I can’t, I’ve already uploaded an Ionic cloud but only works in the Ionic view app, I’ve also used Ionic emulete and Ionic run, but when I open the Ipad emulator from the white screen, what do I do? Would you have another option? And how do I emulate my application for android?

2 answers


  • Check if your android device has developer options enabled. If not, you can follow this step by step to enable them:;
  • In the developer options, you have to enable usb debugging, connect your device to the computer, and run the "Ionic run android".
  • On the white screen that you are having on the tablet, you can enter the google Chrome Debugger and check if there is any script error in the application. Type Chrome://Inspect/ in the browser and in "Remote Target" your device will be listed. Click Inspect device to open the Debugger.
  • To generate the files for android, you can run the command "Ionic build android", and for Ios, "Ionic build Ios", however, the compilation for Ios has to be made from a Macbook.
  • so I used Ionic build Ios command, but it generates me a file . app, and in the house I need a . ipa to Ios, and I’m using a mac

  • Take a look at this forum on the Ionic website, I think you’ll get help

  • i did what you say, but when emulates on my tablet that is an android, the white screen, and I enabled the developer option

  • in fact, what you have to do is log into the google Chrome Debugger, and check if there are any script errors in your application, as I mentioned in topic 3.

  • when I opened Chrome://Inspect/ to see the error this error appeared to me:

  • Error in . /Myapp class Myapp - inline template:16:2 caused by: Connection is not defined

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