Connect external bank to UI Designer in Bonitasoft Community


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I’m using the tool Bonitasoft to develop a project BPM, I have a database Postgresql that through a connection JDBC I was able to enter and change records by Bonitasoft, but I can’t select the database data and display it in my UI Designer, for being a tool not much used yet I did not find much information about it, if you have some material soon, or some idea of how I can display the data in a spreadsheet in my UI Designer, would be very useful.

I tested the return that mine Select brings me and the information matched correctly with what I need, so I added the information in a arrayList, my problem now is to display the information of this Array in UI Designer

  • Well, I’ve never heard of the cuteness, but who knows if you post some of your code and where you’re trying to display the records...

  • In fact, because it is a BPM tool, the Bonitasoft tool itself automatically generates the codes from behind.

  • I get it. It’s tricky then for someone to suggest an answer, just for someone who’s actually used this tool. 'Cause there’s no telling where the code would apply.

  • That was the idea @Carlosandrade if anyone really knew, or had any idea to follow

1 answer


After much research and help from a user with more experience and knowledge of the tool, I was able to display the information that is in my external database in my UI Designer.

Initially I had to configure a variable REST API that pointed to my BDM:



  • TransportadoraPostgreSQL is the name of my BDM.
  • q=find is my query who finds everything in BDM.
  • c=100 is the maximum amount of BDM records that will be displayed

Configuration of the REST API Variable:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Table configuration where records will be displayed:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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