How to enable Migrations using Entity Framework Core = Windows Forms C#


Viewed 306 times


I am testing EF Core in a Windows Forms project following the DDD standard. In the repository layer I created my context and in my domain I already have the Models classes defined. How do I enable Migrations in EF Core and so I don’t have to create each migration manually and keep giving the updates? He wanted Migrations to be enabled and I only gave the update-database...

public class PersistContext : DbContext
        public PersistContext()

        public PersistContext(DbContextOptions<PersistContext> Options)

        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)


        public DbSet<PessoaTipo> PessoaTipo { get; set; }

        private void PessoaTipoMap(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            modelBuilder.Entity<PessoaTipo>(pt =>

                pt.HasKey(ptk=> ptk.PessoaTipoId);
                pt.Property(ptp => ptp.PessoaTipoId)
                            .ValueGeneratedOnAdd();//Checar se o auto incremento funciona.

                pt.Property(ptp => ptp.Descricao)

 public class FactoryPersistContext : IDbContextFactory<PersistContext>
        private string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SistemaComercial"].ConnectionString;

        public PersistContext Create(DbContextFactoryOptions options)
            var constructor = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<PersistContext>();
            return new PersistContext(constructor.Options);

1 answer


This option does not exist in Entity Framework Core.

You can do something similar by making the migration happen whenever the application is started, for development purposes.

Possibly if I were to use this option I would still do some checking to make sure that the application is actually in development mode, but as I do not know the context I will not comment on this

Put this snippet in the application startup code (probably on Startup.cs)

using (var contexto = new Contexto())

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