Find duplicate words without selecting one by one


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In Sublime Text I know I can find duplicate words if I select one by one as the image shows:

Item selecionado

When I select the word Item the Sublime highlights the other references.

There is the possibility to locate duplicate words without having to select one by one?

1 answer


If your Sublime is set to default, using the Ctrl + D each occurrence of your current selection will be selected one by one.

To select all at once, use the Ctrl + F. Open the search bar at the bottom of the program and you can click on Find All or Alt + Enter, that will select all occurrences of the searched word.

Tip: With the Ctrl + F, if the word you want to search is already selected, Sublime understands that it is the one that should be searched and already 'pre-arrow' the search with the selected content.

  • Thanks for the reply friend, but I already know, what I need is for the Sublime to show me repeated references without having to select one of them. Ex: let’s say my document has the word "text" and "number" in several places, I would like Sublime to indicate that these two words are in the document more than once without I need to select the word "text" or "number".

  • So you seek a way that the sublime mark all words that has more than one occurrence?

  • that’s right, and I need him to do it without having to select any of the occurrences.

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