Contrary to appendHTML - how to do?


Viewed 271 times


I have a label in the form of my website adding to a div (in the case of the example, the id of that div is grupoExt) an HTML content. Here is the code:

var numeroFE = 2;
    var html3  = "<div class='BoxForm1'>";
        html3 += "<div class='inputMGM'><input name='nomeFE"+numeroFE+"' id='' class='validate[required]' title=''></input></div></div>";
        html3 += "<div class='BoxForm2'>";
        html3 += "<div class='inputMGM'><input name='empresaFE"+numeroFE+"' id='' class='validate[required]' title=''></input></div></div>";

I wonder if it is possible to do otherwise. That is, use Javascript code to remove this code added to div grupoExt

1 answer


You can do it alone:

document.getElementById('grupoExt').innerHTML = '';

That with jQuery it would be:


With jQuery You also have the functions:


$('#grupoExt *').remove();



Whose final result of the two above is the same (although different things return).

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