How to create getter from Local Date variable?


Viewed 180 times


I have a class called Hospede, where I have the method getData_entrada(), that returns a variable LocalDate(new java8 API). However, when I try to capture this method, it always returns to me 'null'.

Detail: when I try to capture the other getters works normally.

//conteudo getData_entrada:

public LocalDate getData_entrada() {

        return data_entrada;

     Hospede hospede = (Hospede) mStrings.get(position);


     LocalDate data_Entrada = hospede.getData_entrada();
  • Is there any way you can put the contents of getData_entrada() in the question?

  • public date getData_input() { Return data_input; }

  • There are several ways to solve this problem, explain us better the context of your application so that we can help you with the best option.

1 answer


You can define the getData_entrada() thus below:

public LocalDate getData_entrada() {

View static methods of the public class LocalDate to obtain the current time:

  • now(): Get the current system clock date in the standard time zone.
  • now(clock clock): Get the current date of the specified clock.
  • now(Zoneid zone): Get the current system clock date in the specified time zone.

See more details in the documentation.

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