Error when cloning Gitlab repositories


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I am trying to clone a repository I have created in Gitlab on my machine, but the following error is returned to me :

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I used the Github login to log into Gitlab and create the repository there. When I try to CLONE, I use Github user authentication, but this error is shown to me.

What should I do

  • Already tried to clone the repository from the URL

  • The following error was returned to me by cloning like this: Cloning into 'C: Diabetesmonitor Projects'... fatal: Could not read from remote Repository. Please make sure you have the correct access Rights and the Repository exists.

  • And does not appear a "Permission denied" in this message, no? If yes, missing configure the access via public key, I believe.

  • No. Just the mistakes I described above

  • As @Andersoncarloswoss said up there, the problem seems to be the lack of the public key of your machine set up in Gitlab.

  • Where do I set up this key ?

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In Gitlab, I set a password for HTTPS. By cloning the repository, I just used that password to authenticate.

  • Opa I am going through the same problem as you have created a password for HTTPS ?

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