How to transform this text into an array with name and description?


Viewed 1,008 times


I have a.txt file. It has the name of the images and the description about them. So I wanted to do it this way:

imagem1.jpg:"descrição exemplo 1";

I know how to read the php file. Now I wanted to separate the information, but I don’t know what function in can do this in order to have $nome and $descrição in different variables.

2 answers


You can do it this way:

First open the contents of the text and save to a variable:

$string = file_get_contents('arquivo.txt');

Next we will create an array with each line of the file.

$array = array_filter(explode("\n", $string));

Now let’s map the array so that it transforms the division of : in a array of 2 items. Then we will use array_combine to match keys with both values (keys will be "name" and "description")

$callback = function ($value) {
     return array_combine(array('nome', 'descricao'), explode(":", $value, 2));

$array = array_map($callback, $array);

Finally, we can see the result:



Instead of using file_get_contents and then a explode in \n, we can evolve in this expression using the function file:

 $array = array_filter(file('arquivo.txt'));

In that case, the function file already opens the file, leaving each line in an element of the array.

To scroll through the values, just use the foreach:

   foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
       echo $value['descricao'];
       echo $value['nome'];

See an example on Ideone

  • How I even get the value?

  • @Amadeuantunes if it is in a TXT file, the line with file_get_contents opens the desired file

  • is not giving

  • Send the TXT so I can see

  • Art Deco.jpg:Description test! Taurus.jpg:Description test! 2


  • @Amadeuantunes but where is the header? In question you put header... If you want I change the answer

  • @Amadeuantunes now yes, it was completely different than I thought

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You can use the file():

$arquivo = file('arquivo.txt');

foreach($arquivo as $index => $linha){

    list($info[$index]['imagem'], $info[$index]['descricao']) = explode(':', trim($linha));


That way it will result in:

array(2) {
  array(2) {
    string(12) "Art Deco.jpg"
    string(20) "Descrição teste!"
  array(2) {
    string(9) "Touro.jpg"
    string(19) "Descrição teste!2"

So you can manipulate the array as you like, it’s not clear how or what the objectives are after reading the data, if you want to display them you can do:

foreach($arquivo as $linha){

    list($imagem, $descricao) = explode(':', trim($linha));

    echo '<img src="'.$imagem.'" />';
    echo '<p>'.$descricao.'</p>';

  • 1

    The idea of list($image, $descricao) is great, you don’t even need to allocate the values.

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